A Different Look at Developed Countries

By Elizabeth Platanova

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

I believe this quote by Eisenhower clearly signifies how I recently feel about the world. The developed countries in the world, to me, seem too obsessed with money and power that they forget about the past that brought them to where they are. For example, slavery in America was a huge issue for years, yet somehow we now focus less on the suppression that is still occurring around the world similar to our history, and instead, on spending money creating nuclear weapons and building up our army.

I think it is very important to consider that yes indeed the United States has come a long way since the time of slavery, however, that part of our history still exists. For countries still stuck in that part of history, we could be doing more. I believe countries who have the capital to make a difference should be doing so, instead of investing in their armies.

Basic human tendencies like kindness, understanding, and the love for each other should be driving us to help, not to create problems with the world. I never understood certain government’s and people’s fascination with destruction and war. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that our military is important and I respect our troops immensely, but when it ultimately comes down to it, I believe we all have the same desire to be at peace. Yet somehow, I find that the developed countries are so obsessed with the obstruction of it in the world.

To imagine, for me, a starving child with a dying family and a broken heart, brings me to tears. To think that I attend a University who’s tuition could probably feed thousands of people in developing countries makes me resent myself. At time I have caught myself thinking just how trivial my life is. It makes me thankful but also very sad because I realize that the problems, at least for now, lie within politics, government, and organization.

The point I am trying to make is that in our everyday lives, I feel that we get very caught up in trivial ideas and activities that we forget to stop and think about how lucky we are. Yes, this might sound very cliché but it is very true. I find myself doing it too much. Instead of thinking about how fortunate I am at times, I find myself getting obsessed with those L.L. Bean boots I have to buy or the new lulu lemon leggings that came out. As an individual in society, living in one of the most powerful nations in the world, I have set a goal for myself to try and be a little more aware of the world and a little bit more thankful. I find development economics so important to the world we live in today and I hope that people begin to realize that we are all human, and we all share the same desires on the inside.

9 responses to “A Different Look at Developed Countries

  1. Definitely agree with your point and feelings. As an international student who lives in a developing country (Vietnam) but has the opportunity to study in such developed country (U.S) I learned that the world is struggling more than it is improving because even though many countries have been able to develop and improve there is still a huge number of people suffering in every single country. I agree with the point you made about people forgetting and getting caught up with materialistic items and I think it is important that every time something is wasted like food we need to think about the fact that some people our age don’t even have anything to eat, drink, or wear.

    Your article was very insightful and has really made me think more about what is going on back home because Vietnam is improving but is still struggling to fix poor people’s lives. I liked that you started with that quote because it did give me kind of a mysterious feel of what you were planning to write about.


  2. I found this to be a really enjoyable read. Nice work!


  3. ahmedalagil

    I really liked the points you are making! I totally agree with you.
    Especially, when you said here: ” Instead of thinking about how fortunate I am at times, I find myself getting obsessed with those L.L. Bean boots I have to buy or the new lulu lemon leggings that came out. ” We really have to think for a second how fortunate we are before complaining about life and the obstacles we might face. We are very lucky!


  4. eckerline

    I agree. We definitely need to move away from our power greed (we’ve made some big strides in the western world since World War II) and focus on what actually matters. If everyone were more in the moment (like you said), the world would be a much better place.


  5. It was really interesting to read your blog/forum which was written at a personal level. I agree with you that we are too obsessed about the new and fashionable things that come out in the market instead of being grateful for what I have. Similarly, I also think about how my tuition can feed thousands of people in underdeveloped countries. However, I feel like our mission in life is by getting this prestigious education, eventually we can help the poor people living in underdeveloped countries. As you mentioned in your blog/forum, humans have slowly moved away from helping each other and became more self centred. In order to become the change, I believe that you and I should become the change in the world and start helping people who are less fortunate than us. Not in huge scales but as much as we can. I became extremely emotional while reading your blog/forum. Great job!


  6. I really like your blog. As you said, development of economics is so important to our human beings. Only when we get together and fight for the same goal, can this world be a better one. Because we are the lucky one, it is our duty to help those people who are living under the poverty and disaster. Thank you for your different look and that make me learn a lot and think a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can’t agree more with this post. Although military, army and weapons may protect the country to a certain extent, it might not be the most impactful. In my opinion, I think that it is wiser to spend the money directly to people that needs it in forms of social welfare or food tickets. Many times, countries prioritize their advance weapons compared to their people’s well-being.


  8. deannasalerno

    I have thought a lot about the ideas in this post before, specifically, the cost of tuition. It’s crazy how we’re willing to accrue tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands for some of us in debt. And then you think about what $100 could do, or $10, to someone who lives on less than $2 a day. I often think about the president of Northeastern earning over $3 million, and the adjunct professors that work on a whim of the university.. Isn’t the well-being of people, their students, professors(tenured, or not) important?


  9. Dear Elizabeth,

    You have spoken from the heart. And how true. We should never forget that ,in spite of our differences, all people are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, understanding and kindness. In the words of the Dalai Lama, “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive”

    ~Professor Myra Chaudhary


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